Who is LykeGrowth for?

What is LykeGrowth?

Over the years, we’ve worked with a lot of different companies in various industries of all shapes and sizes. Our team of developers have built countless bespoke systems and we’ve helped clients scale profitably.

Through doing this, we’ve identified systems and processes that are key to scaling successfully and can be implemented in any organisation. We’ve also learnt what does and doesn’t work, in terms of software.

LykeGrowth is the result of our experience. It’s the accumulation of our ongoing knowledge and experience, put into a single platform so that every business can take advantage of it.

Who is LykeGrowth for?

Having strong foundations is absolutely essential, whether you’re building a business or a house. They determine how far you can build, and once you’ve started building it’s hard to change them.

That’s why we’ve designed the platform to be accessible from day one. LykeGrowth can, and should, act as the foundations of your business - helping you to build best practices and implement systems.

Therefore, the short answer to that question is “every business!”. However, the long answer depends on your vision.

We work with ambitious organisations that want to scale beyond limits – and build teams. Not everyone wants to do that, which is absolutely okay.

If you’re building a lifestyle business and the term ‘scaling up’ daunts you, then LykeGrowth probably isn’t for you.

To get real value from the platform, you must have the capacity and willingness to adopt new ways of working. We can offer support in helping you get to that point, but ultimately it’s a question of what aligns to the direction you’d like to take your business in.

If the sky is the limit for you, then you should definitely request a demo.

Whilst it’s easier to implement LykeGrowth early on, the platform is designed to be flexible enough for any size organisation. If you’ve already got systems and processes in place, they’ll simply become more efficient.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re B2B, B2C, direct to consumer, wholesale, product based or service based - LykeGrowth has the tools to make your business fly - even if you have operated entirely offline until now.

How are we different?

We’ll be the first to admit, there are plenty of really great tools out there to help you scale your business profitably.

However, knowing exactly what combination of tools to use and how best to use them is a bit like trying to figure out one of McDonald’s secret recipes. Difficult.

What makes it even more difficult is the fact nobody tells you whether you’re right or wrong. So, you end up guessing and changing, which is expensive.

You could argue that’s called innovation, and you’d be right. But innovating the fundamentals of business doesn’t make sense - you should be shaking up your industry!

When you use LykeGrowth you benefit from our experiments, our lived experiences and our innovation. You’ll get access to the latest technology and new concepts, so you have more headspace for the reason you started in business in the first place.

Put another way, we reduce the number of moving parts within your business.

You don’t have to worry about websites, code, updates, servers, CRM systems, spreadsheets, traceability or anything else. Everything you need is covered in one simple subscription and handled by our team of experts. There will never be hidden fees, and we don’t charge based on the size of your business. Your success shouldn’t be taxed.

The platform has been built to be incredibly flexible. It can even cater for bespoke functionality, although experience tells us that most successful businesses use very similar fundamental processes.

Stop using paper.

Stop using spreadsheets.

Stop managing a separate website.

Stop paying for multiple software subscriptions.

Try LykeGrowth today.

We’re so confident you’ll see the benefits in less than three months that we don’t even tie you into any contracts.

You can cancel anytime.

To date, no-one has.

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